
Cyber Security some details

Cyber Security some details in this content. We are provided some information for cyber security.

What is cyber security?

Answer: Cyber security is a process where networks, devices or programs are protected from any kind of cyber attack.

What are cyber crimes?

Answer: There are some common cyber crimes such as;

  • Data theft.
  • Hacking the network.
  • Hacking computers or devices.
  • Destroying data by entering the system illegally.
  • Social Network Fraud
  • Identity theft
  • Hack or destroy servers.
  • Spreading of various Viruses etc.
    Apart from these there are many types of cyber crime which are being done through technology and internet.

How does cyber security work?

Answer: To provide cyber security services, there is a team or organization of cyber security experts who use various types of programs, hardware, software or etc. to add some level of security to our computer, network and device etc. By adding these (security layers), our computer system, program, network, data etc. are protected and hackers cannot do any kind of damage.

Through this process the problems and weaknesses of a computer system are found. The system is protected from security violations.

Why is cyber security important?

 Answer: Cyber security is essential to protect the information, files and data etc. in our computer.
 At present the number of hackers and cyber criminals has increased and many crimes are committed through them (digital environment). Hence, cyber security can protect you from these types of hackers.
 Cyber Security is very important to protect various banking and financial data. Because nowadays money is stolen digitally from a person’s bank account often illegally.
 Cyber security is very important in keeping the national security and defense system of the country safe.
At present most of the government and private offices do any work through internet. In this case, Cyber Security is needed to keep their information safe.

Cyber Security some details

Cyber Security some details

  1. What are the types of cyber security?
  2. Answer : Application security
  3. Email Security
  4. Data loss prevention (DLP)
  5. Network & gateway security
  6. Network access control (NAC)
  7. Antivirus Security
  8. What are the benefits and advantages of cyber security?
     Answer: Any device can be attacked by different types of threats.
     Eg, adware, malware, virus, worms etc. You can avoid the damage caused by these types of viruses and malware.
     Security is provided within the network and threats are not allowed to enter the network
     Online transactions can be done securely.
     It is possible to save important data and information from being stolen.
  9. Cyber Security some detailsCyber Security some details

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