Answer: What is hacking (Hacking) is the process, where one or more people use a computer to enter other people’s computer illegally and steal or destroy their personal data, files and information etc.
What is a hacker?
Answer: Those who damage or steal the data of different people through hacking are called hackers.
In other words, some computer experts who can solve various problems related to computers through their computer skills and technical knowledge are called hackers.
What is hacking?
How many types of hackers can be?
Answer: Basically, hackers can be of 3 types.
Among all types of hackers, 2 types of hackers are only doing bad things and harming people through hacking.
However, among them there is a type of hackers whose job is to protect against bad hackers and help people. What is hacking
- Hackers who do good work through hacking are called (White hat hacker).
- Hackers who hack only for the purpose of doing bad things are called (Black hat hacker).
- Those hackers who work both good and bad, are called (Grey hat hacker).
- How to learn hacking?
Answer: To learn hacking first you need to have the basic idea.
- For example, security network
- Firewall
- Ports
- Viruses
Network protocols (FTP, IP address, DNS, SMTP)
It is very important to do research on them.
Also a good medium to learn hacking should be selected.
For example,
ü YouTube
ü Books etc. - What is hacking

What is ethical hacking?
Answer: Ethical hacker (Ethical hacker) is a type of hacker who hacks in the protection of a computer system or network by following some rules with permission.
Ethical hacking (Ethical hacking) is completely legal and an ethical hacker (Ethical hacker) works to provide more security to the system security of any company.
What are the benefits and advantages of ethical hacking?
Ø Answer: Let us know the special benefits of ethical hacking.
Ø Blocking various malicious hacking processes.
Ø Lost information and passwords can be re-covered through this.
Ø Computers can be protected from hackers.
Ø Weaknesses of any computer system can be found.
Ø Providing protection to an organization or company from cyber attack. What is hacking
What are the disadvantages of ethical hacking?
Ø Answer: Ethical hacking has advantages as well as disadvantages, we do not know them.
Ø In providing security, ethical hackers have the opportunity to know the confidential information of the company or organization.
Ø In various cases, there is a chance of privacy violations.
Ø Ethical hackers have the opportunity to try to do bad things with the lure of money.
Ø If the processes are not done properly, the computer system or network may be damaged.
So we know some disadvantages of ethical hacking.
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